Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Rochester



 Ascent 1, 8, 4

The ignorance of some is extremely lamentable; they burden themselves with extraordinary penances and many other exercises, thinking these are sufficient to attain union with divine Wisdom. But such practices are insufficient if these souls do not diligently strive to deny their appetites. If they would attempt to devote only half of that energy to the renunciation of their desires, they would profit more in a month than in years with all these other exercises.
St. John of the Cross

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Ascent III, 18, 1

The first source of joy is temporal good, by which I mean riches, rank, office and other dignities; children, relatives and alliances. But what vanity to rejoice in riches, rank, titles and the like, after which men are striving. St. John of the Cross

Ascent I, 5, 8

And He permits and wills that there should be only one desire where He is.

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Way 17, 1

Something still remains to be said that is very important because it pertains to humility and is necessary ... where the main occupation is prayer. And, as I said, it is only right that you should try to understand how to train yourselves a great deal in humility. In fact, this is an important aspect of prayer and indispensable for all persons who practice it.

How could a truly humble person think he is as good as those who are contemplative? Yes, it is true, God can make you a contemplative -- through His goodness and mercy; but, in my opinion, one should always take the lowest place, for this is what the Lord told us to do and taught us in deed. St. Teresa

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Life 6, 3

It was a wonderful thing for me to have received the grace which God had granted me through prayer, for this made me realize what it was to love Him. St. Teresa of Jesus

Life 6, 4

All these signs of fear of God came to me during prayer; and the greatest sign was that they were enveloped in love, for punishment did not enter my mind.
